Leisel Mower, Sisel’s Director of Cosmetics and Skin Care is coming to Australia!!!
Leisel Mower’s Australian Tour covering the complete range of Sisel Beauty Products
- August 5 Sydney
- August 6-7 Melbourne
- August 9 Adelaide
- August 11 Perth
- August 13 Brisbane/Gold Coast
Venues and times soon to be announced…….
Sisel Products are 100% NON TOXIC. Sisel Beauty includes non toxic, makeup and anti aging skin care. Sisel’s products are highly advanced using the very latest in skin care science.
Don’t miss your chance to meet Sisel’s Director of Cosmetics and Skin Care, Leisel Mower as she visits Australia for the first time. Make plans now to join Leisel and discover the entire line of the all-natural cosmetics and skin care products she will be sharing with attendees.
Along with product sampling, Leisel will be giving master makeup demonstrations and discussing how anyone can start their own Sisel distributorship and become a small business owner.
More about Leisel Mower…..Leisel’s Blog…. https://blog.siselinternational.com/leisels-blog/
Leisel’s Blog is packed full is Sisel Beauty Tips to keep you looking and feeling your best.
Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor