We know taste is king, and we have created what we believe is the world’s best-tasting and healthiest cup of coffee.

We know taste is king, and we’ve created what we believe is the world’s best-tasting and healthiest cup of coffee. Tom’s the Word CEO Tom Mower Jr. has Sisel down to a science

Tom Mower Jr. shares his name and his DNA with his father, and this Sisel CEO likes to say he had the biggest advantage in the world with his father as a mentor. “Growing up, he always told me that everything is possible,” says Tom Jr. who at age 50 is the oldest of Tom Sr.’s seven children. “He would tell me if I’m willing to put the time in, I could do anything. It might be all-encompassing. It might take 24/7, but there’s nothing in the world I can’t do if I put my mind to it.” Tom Jr. has put his mind to use as the lead formulator and scientist for Sisel.

With a degree in human biology, Tom Jr. has been formulating nutritional products for 25 years. Tom Jr. specializes in chemistry, manufacturing, inventory and quality control.

“We’ve built a large network throughout the world as we’ve found novel ingredients with histories of use that date back thousands of years,” Tom Jr. says.

The latest example of this is Chaga, which boosts the health benefits of Sisel Kaffé. “People often don’t imagine health and good taste going together-they think if it’s healthy it will taste like liver oil,” Tom Jr. says.

“But Chaga is odorless and tasteless, and coffee is a perfect delivery system because a high percent of the population drinks coffee. We know taste is king, and we’ve created what we believe is the world’s best-tasting and healthiest cup of coffee.” Tom Jr. is proud of Sisel’s formulations and quality products, but he’s not one to sit back and let his science go stagnant. “When we bring out a new product, our goal is to work toward making it obsolete by continuing to bring out new research and development data on how to make it better,” he says. “Our formulations are always improving, which benefits the end user and our Distributors who share the story.”

Tom Jr. is specifically interested in ingredients and products that promote better health and also life extension. “We research the research and have created a company and a product line that is world-class,” Tom Jr. says.

“We have developed our own manufacturing facilities along the way and we’ve specialized our own equipment to meet the exact needs.” And Sisel’s needs are to meet the needs of Distributors and consumers.

Tom Mower Jnr CEO of Sisel International

Tom Mower Jnr CEO of Sisel International

“Once we find an important ingredient, then we find an application for how people can use it in a palatable way,” he says. “For example, we know that the Panamanian variety of coffee beans has the No. 1 flavor profile in the world. When we combine this flavor with the benefits of Chaga, we can reach demographics all over the world.”

Tom Jr. and Tom Sr. have traveled the world in the name of science and also in the name of education for their Distributors.

“My dad will get people fired up and excited, and I’ll talk about the products in a logical, scientific way,” Tom Jr. says.

Although the two Toms have contrasting personalities, they both subscribe to the philosophy of hard work = possibilities. “My dad is a real visionary and sees an enormous picture,” Tom Jr. says. “He visualizes his plan and drives forward.”

Tom Jr. complements his father by bringing a detailed, structured and organized personality to the company. “When we interact with Distributors and our executive team, my dad has more of an emotional personality while I’m more of a logical person,” Tom Jr. says. “We gain strength from each other, and the company is stronger because of what we both bring to the table.”

Sisel and Sisel Kaffé is a family business, and they adopt any hard-working, passionate Sisel-loving soul into the healthy family tree.

Why Sisel Kaffé makes sense to this non-coffee drinker Tom Mower Jr. is bringing the healthiest, best-tasting cup of coffee to the Sisel product line. But he knows a good business opportunity when he sees one.

– Coffee is highly sellable

– No. 2 commodity sold in the world

– 500 million cups of coffee consumed in America every day

– Can benefit by being a Sisel Kaffé drinker or business builder

– No inventory is needed for a Sisel Kaffé business

– Flexible schedule with residual income

– Low qualification levels in Sisel Kaffé

– Can also build a business with Sisel for a double income stream

Sisel Coffee is free from Acrylamide. 100% toxin free made from natural ingredients.


“My dad is a real visionary and sees an enormous picture. He visualizes his plan and drives forward.” Tom Mower JR., Sisel CEO & Co-founder

Tom Mower Jnr My Dad is real visionary

Browse Sisel Kaffe Products

Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor