Healthy Gut Program
19 June 2020. Posted by Katie Larking
I recently have become more and more concerned with the number of people not eating enough fiber.
Dietary Fiber provides massive benefits to body these include:
- Promotes Regular bowel movements
- Helps to thicken and form fecal matter
- Helps to maintain a healthy gut bacteria environment.
- Supports the body to lower cholesterol levels
- Helps control blood sugar level
- Aids in achieving healthy weight
- Helps you live longer
“A new paper — published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences by scientists from The Westmead Institute for Medical Research — reports that eating the right amount of fiber from breads, cereals, and fruits can help us avoid disease and disability into old age. They found that out of all the factors they examined — which included a person’s total carbohydrate intake, total fiber intake, glycemic index, glycemic load, and sugar intake — it was the fiber that made the biggest difference to what the researchers termed “successful aging.” Ref: Science Daily
Most people are not getting enough. The average person eats between 10-15 grams of fiber per day. Women need 25 grams a day and men need 35 grams of fiber a day.
if you would like to know how to include more fiber in your dieta and clear out mucoid plaque as well as address the issues of feeling:
- Stuck
- Bloated
- Sluggish
Fill in your email address and we will email you the healthy gut program. It is time to improve your energy and help you to shift those extra pounds. Click the link below to download the program:
Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor