Here are 8 things you must know about slowing aging.
As a Health Promotion Consultant, I am very passionate about healthy aging. Nothing interests me more than how to slow or even reverse aging.
Whilst we are not quite there, scientific discoveries are looking very promising in the world of anti-aging. Unfortunately, your body started its downward descent at the after the 25. As we get older this decline accelerates. Don’t stick your head in the sand. Take action.
If you are using the argument that it is mostly genetics determine your health span then that argument no longer holds water. You will be shocked to know that the conservative estimate is now that 30 of aging is hereditary and a whopping 70% is due to the environment. Ref.
Twin studies have suggested that only around 25 percent of the variation in the human lifespan is influenced by genes.
According to the analysis of large ancestry database their findings show that only 7 % is hereditary, life span has little to do with genes. Ref
So this might be a wake up call for many people to pay much closer attention to their lifestyle habits and take a close look at what they can do to improve their health span
So what can we do to slow the effects of decline? Things You Must Know About slowing aging starts with the worst two offenders. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, and smoking.
8 Things You Must Know About SLOWING AGING
1. Avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet UV radiation
This is noted in many studies as the biggest aging factor. Not only does it make skin age faster. Research shows that as many as 90% of skin cancers are due to UV radiation. A sunburn photographed two days after a five-hour exposure to the sun. It damages the immune system – Over-exposure to UV radiation has a harmful suppressing effect on the immune system. Ref.
2. Avoid Smoking
Fairly obvious that this will definitely accelerate aging. So its a good idea to quit if you are smoking. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), smoking cigarettes increases the risk of dying from all causes, not just those linked to tobacco use.
Smoking cigarettes affects the respiratory system, the circulatory system, the reproductive system, the skin, and the eyes, and it increases the risk of many different cancers. Ref.
3. Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins
“The rate of physiologic, or molecular, aging differs between individuals in part because of exposure to ‘gerontogens’, i.e., environmental factors that affect aging,” said Norman Sharpless from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Ref
Exposure to environmental toxins is a very long list. Some main ones to look out for include environmental toxins include naturally occurring compounds such as:
- lead;
- mercury;
- formaldehyde;
- benzene; and
As well as human-made chemicals like:
- BPA;
- phthalates; and
- pesticides. Ref
4. Exercise
Not exercising is the new smoking according to scientists. Ref
This means that it should be at the top of the list. Get an adequate amount of exercise each day. Living a sedentary lifestyle is the fastest way to lose muscle mass. Exercising slows the rate at which we lose muscle mass and bone mineral, so we stay healthier and live longer.
Evidence has shown that keeping fit and living an active lifestyle such as walking, dancing, gardening, swimming or aerobics leads to a longer and healthier life. It is also an important factor in reducing the risk of disease and illness.
At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day – in three 10-minute blocks if you like – is enough.
5. Keep the mind active
The old saying use or lose it applies here. Research has shown the importance of keeping a mentally active mind. It is also a key factor in reducing the onset of dementia. It is important to improve brain function in old age.
Reading and engaging in activities that get the mind to think, recall and problem solve is an excellent way to keep your mind active. It’s never too late to learn, understanding research or study is a great goal at any age.
The truth is you can teach an old dog new tricks. Researchers at Stanford University in USA have found that memory loss can be improved by 30 to 50 percent simply by doing mental exercises.
6. Socialise
One of the saddest things that happen to elderly people is losing social contacts. Yet having someone to talk to is very important at any age and even more so as you get older.
I have noticed with my Mother she is happiest on the days that a friend has stopped by to chat. On the days that no one is around or comes to visit her mood is not so great.
“Studies have shown that people who are healthy in old age have more established networks of family and friends than those who don’t, and it’s because they keep these networks going that their mental and physical health is better.” Ref.
One way to socialise would be get involved with a club or group even start your own business and network! Let go of the mantra, I am too old for that.”
7. Eat well including getting sufficient protein
Many elderly people are undernourished eating a high carbohydrate diet. Studies show that as we age we need more protein to maintain muscle mass and wad of frailty. Adding extra protein to the diet as we get older can make a big difference.
Protein is used to maintain muscles, Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Ref.
If you don’t get enough protein in your diet, you may consider supplementing with a protein shake. I particularly love Sisel Lean as it contains lots of fibre which is important when increasing protein in the diet.
8. Don’t take unnecessary medicines
As we age, our liver doesn’t function as well. Our cells become more clogged with cellular waste such as glycation. An older person generally cannot process medicines as well as a younger person. They may also contribute to faster decline since the body is being bombarded with more chemicals. This was a personal experience with my Father. His Alzheimers was more rapid during the time he was on medication. This was my personal observation.
Many medications have a long list of side effects and can interact with each other. Follow your doctor’s advise. Sometimes it is not possible to stop. So check with your doctor regularly about possible side effects and whether you are able to stop taking some medications. Sometimes people find relief from natural alternatives.
Personally, I have used a range of natural alternatives that support the body to fight the effects of aging. If you are considering a natural alternative to support your body as you age check with your doctor. You might like to research the potential benefits of the Sisel Age Pill.
In conclusion
After reading the 8 things you must know about slowing aging, you will agree there are lots of things we can do to support our body to slow the effects of aging. Why not make it uphill with age instead of downhill.
I am certainly hoping that one day soon we can stop it altogether. The main reason is that aging and disease and illness are one and the same. Whilst this may sound ridiculous scientists already hypothesize that in the future aging will be eliminated.
Last Updated on April 21, 2019 by Katie Sisel Distributor