Anti Aging MEDIA RELEASE –Talks on age reversal health care scheduled for Australia
Australians can hear about the emerging field of age reversal medicine during talks in Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney in February.
Dr Curt Ficenec is coming to Australia to discuss scientific breakthroughs and the latest research published by prominent scientists in age reversal health care and anti-ageing.
Dr Ficenec, an American chiropractor who has practised for more than 30 years, is also a wellness consultant who regularly lectures on the topic in America and internationally. He hosts a weekly internet show on alternative health and a decade ago began investigating diet and supplements to support the body’s own healing processes.
“We are standing on the edge of a revolution in healthcare. Things are changing rapidly due to advances in science and technology, and molecular medicine will bring us to finding cures for many otherwise incurable disease,” he says.
“Age reversal medicine is the fastest growing branch of health care. No-one wants to get older faster.”
Dr Ficenec has spent his entire adult life helping people. “Based on what I’ve seen, most disease is man-made. By supporting the body’s own innate healing, we can make a huge difference,” he says.
Harvard studies reverse ageing
Among the research he will discuss on his Australian tour is a breakthrough by scientists from Harvard Medical School and the University of NSW. They discovered a way of reversing DNA ageing in mice, restoring the efficiency of cells and reversing the ageing process in muscles.
They turned back the clock by feeding a compound called nicotinamide mononucleotide or NMN to mice for a week in their water. The mice converted NMN to another molecule, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD+. NAD is naturally present in all living cells and reduces in the body as people age. NAD+ is the oxidised form. NMN is a related NAD precursor.
The treatment restored the DNA of old mice back to young mice and meant researchers could not tell the difference in the tissue of old mice aged two years and young mice aged six months. It made the two-year-old mice appear six months old – the equivalent of making a 70-80-year-old person feel like a 25-year-old.
The research, published in the science journal Cell in 2013, focuses on the mitochondria or the power-house inside cells which produces energy. Communication between the mitochondria and the cell nucleus degrades over time, leading to ageing, but this communication was restored in the mice by adding NMN.
The scientists believe their discovery has implications for treating ageing and age-related diseases including cancer, dementia, heart disease and diabetes.
In 2017 they did a second study, published in the journal Science, and gave NMN to mice who were exposed to radiation. This improved their cells’ ability to repair DNA damage caused by radiation exposure or old age. It also had a similar effect to dieting and exercise as they became leaner and had more energy.
Cells of the old mice were indistinguishable from the young mice and researchers described it as the closest yet to a safe and effective anti-ageing drug.
NASA is excited by the research and hopes it may help protect astronauts attempting to fly to Mars from cosmic radiation and accelerated ageing.
Dr Ficenec said pharmaceutical companies had begun human trials of a therapy which could increase NAD levels, with phase two of this research underway.
“They are trying to mimic the effect of the natural NAD+ compound using a pharmaceutical drug,” he says. “They are several years away from releasing a pharmaceutical version.
“On my Australian tour I will discuss the research, how it fits and how it can change health.”
He will also discuss a natural ingredient nicotinamide riboside, a form of vitamin B3, which functions as a precursor to NAD+.
The Age Pill
Dr Ficenec will give talks open to the public in:
*Melbourne on Sunday February 4 from 4pm to 5.15pm at Matthew Flinders Hotel, 667 Warrigal Rd, Chadstone.
*Adelaide on Tuesday February 6 from 7pm to 8.15pm at The Junction Hotel, 470 Anzac Hwy, Camden Park, South Australia.
*Sydney on Thursday February 15 from 7pm to 8.15pm at Club Burwood RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood.
Cost is $10 per person. Register at
The original 2013 research: (Full text of original study in Cell March 2013.)…/d…/20/anti-ageing-human-trials
The 2017 study: (Abstract for March 2017 publication in Science journal of the MNM research.)…/09/anti-aging-breakthrough…/harvard-scientists-pinpoint-cri…/…/2017/…/170323141340.htm
Harvard Medical School video on both lots of research:
Anti Aging Beyond Belief Age Reversal Toxic Free
Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor