Sisel Presenter
Sisel Presenter
8 April 2020. By Katie Larking
Sisel Presenter Katie Larking is a Sisel Australia Distributor and 5 Star Master. She has been involved with Sisel International since 2011. Her passion started with Sisel Toothpaste. Katie was looking for a toothpaste that was 100% Toxin Free for her Father with Alzheimer’s. Toothpaste is known to have potentially harmful ingredients. These ingredients are toxic if swallowed. Her Father could not spit the toothpaste out so Katie was looking for toothpaste that would not cause harm if it was swallowed. If you would like to hear more about that story listen here. Her journey started from there. Katie is passionate about Preventative Health and has a desire to learn and grow. Katie is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the Sisel Products and Sisel Business Opportunity.
Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor