As a Neways product user I loved Tom Mower and the products in 2006. After trying Sisel’s products in 2009 I remembered the passion I had for the Mower Mission and fell in Love with the Sisel anti aging range of products!
In 1987 Tom Mower launched Images, a personal care manufacturing company in Utah, which later became Neways International, one of the largest, most successful network marketing companies in the world, reaching almost a billion dollars in annual sales. Neways was underpinned by the Mower Mission, with millions of loyal followers. Tom sold Neways in 2006 to capitalize on what he considered some of the most important discoveries in human health and to launch what he deems the best business opportunity in history, Sisel International.
Tom Mower took Neways from its humble beginnings to one of the top five Network Marketing Companies. Tom is set take SISEL to number one.
Neways Australia has had loyal followers in Australia many of whom are now reregistering with Sisel the Mower Mission with Sisel International.
The Mower Mission is now the heart and soul of Sisel International. Many previous Neways Distributors who loved the Mower Mission and Tom’s products are passionately in love with the Sisel range of products myself included.
Tom Mower’s Sisel The Mower Mission
Tom Mower is back and his products are better than ever before
Tom Mower Sr., President and Co-Founder of Sisel International
Tom has always been involved in one way or another in helping people achieve success. He is a prolific author and international motivational speaker known for his ability to ignite energy and enthusiasm in the minds and hearts of his loyal distributors. He is not only a renowned scientist and product formulator, holding several patents for break-through discoveries in scientific research for natural medicine and health care products, he is a marketing extraordinaire who has revolutionized multilevel marketing as we know it through his innovative, high-paying hybrid compensation programs.
Tom has a great philanthropic desire to help orphanages and abandoned children around the world. He has donated millions of dollars in support of several non-profit organizations, including a school for handicapped children in Russia, endangered species such as the siberian tiger, sacred white buffalo, “white” red deer, and fragile environments including the earths precious forests. He has met with Presidents of countries, received recognition from the Dali Lama, and was the major sponsor of the Junior Winter Olympics in 2005 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Sisel officially launched in Australia in February 2016
Sisel is open in Australia and has a advanced range of toxic free personal care, and nutritional products using many of the latest scientific health discoveries within the product formulations. These products produce outstanding results.
If you are currently using products from any company and are unhappy with the results and you loved Tom Mower’s products you may want to consider trying his new products which in my opinion produce jaw dropping results the range includes toxic free personal care and nutritional products supporting age reversal.
Tom Mower’s Personal Invitation to you
Tom Mower previously owned Neways International. Neways was sold in 2006. Tom founded Sisel International in 2006.
Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Katie Sisel Distributor